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Canadian Access Groups

These organizations not only fight for rock climbing access, they also helped us create the 'Climbers Code oF Respect'. Please get involved with your local access group and donate!

Climbing Clubs & Organizations

The following organizations run unique climbing opportunities in Canada.

Canadian Climbing Festivals

Rock climbing festivals across Canada 

Arc'teryx Climbing Academy (Squamish, BC)

Treeline Women's Climbing Festival (Squamish, BC)
Squamish Rampage (Squamish, BC)

Rock the Blocks (Kelowna, BC)
Tour De Frank (Crowsnest Pass, AB)
Bow Valley Rock Fest (Canmore, AB)
Beaver Valley Climbing Festival (Collingwood, Ontario)

Thunder Bay Climbing Festival (Thunder Bay, Ontario)

FestiRoc (St. Alban, QC)
Trad Pow Wow (St. Urbain, QC)
Welsford Rendezvous (Welsford, NB)
Dover Island Boulderfest (Dover Island, NS)

Certification Organizations

Look for these certification stamps when shopping for a guide. 

Canadian Climbing Guides

The following guiding companies or individual guides offer a variety of outdoor rock climbing courses. 

​ is not affiliated with any of the below companies. We have sourced these guiding companies from a google search in order to make your search for a guide easier. is not responsible for anything related to the guiding companies below and you should always assume your own risk when taking a rock climbing course outdoors.

Guiding Companies
British Columbia


On the Rocks Climbing Guides Inc
(PCGI Lead Guide & PCGI TRG/SPG Mentor)  

Overhang Adventures Inc.
(PCGI Single Pitch Guide)

One Axe Pursuits
Outdoor Skills and Thrills Inc. 
(PCGI Single Pitch Guide)
Greg Arminen 
(PCGI Single Pitch Guide) 

Superior Exploration
Escarpment Adventures

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